Results for your dog Harry

Level 1: Shih Tzu
Level 4: Pekingese

This is a summary of your results. Your paperwork and certificate will be mailed to you shortly.  Pet wellness is perhaps the most important part of canine ownership.

Acquiring genetic breed heritage knowledge will help educate you about your dog and his or her special health and behaviour traits. You can now be proactive about many of the important factors affecting your dog’s life.

What your dog’s breed composition means:

Level 1
This category recognizes when a dog’s DNA contains a majority of one specific breed (75% or greater). A dog will only report with a Level 1 breed if they have a high percentage match to a single breed in their DNA. Most mixed breed dogs will not usually have a breed in this category unless one or both of their parents are purebred.

Level 2
This category reports breeds that may be easily recognizable in your dog. Each breed listed makes up between 37%-74% of your dog’s breeds. Dogs with a large mixed ancestry will not normally have breeds reporting at this level.

Level 3
This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s).

Level 4
This category represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA. Dogs with large mixes may have a number of breeds in this category.

Level 5
This category represents the lowest level of breed in your dog occurring at 9% or less. These breeds still appear at a low and measurable amount in your pet’s DNA and were likely carried over from several generations.